Example Configuration Files

  • fix_dolby.json

    fix issues in Dolby Atmos ADM Profile files to be compatible with the BS.2127 renderer

    runs fix_ds_frequency, fix_block_durations and fix_stream_pack_refs.

    required options: input.path and output.path

  • track_stream_to_channel.json

    replace audioTrackUid->audioTrackFormat->audioStreamFormat->audioChannelFormat references with audioTrackUid->audioChannelFormat references

    runs convert_track_stream_to_channel and remove_unused_elements

    required options: input.path and output.path

  • render.json

    render an ADM BW64 file

    runs add_block_rtimes and render

    required options: input.path, render.layout and output.path

  • measure_loudness.json

    update the loudness of one audioProgramme in a BW64 wav file

    this currently works by rendering the programme to 4+5+0 and measuring the loudness of the output, so this may not be accurate for channel-based content which would be better measured directly

    required options: input.path and output.path

  • measure_all_loudness.json

    update the loudness of all audioProgrammes in a BW64 wav file

    this currently works by rendering the programme to 4+5+0 and measuring the loudness of the output, so this may not be accurate for channel-based content which would be better measured directly

    required options: input.path and output.path

  • conform_block_timing.json

    conform the timing of object type audioblockformats to the emission profile

    this first removes the jump position flag from any audioblockformats in which it is present. these blocks are replaced with multiple blocks representing the same change where appropriate. it then ensures no block other than the first is shorter than 5ms in duration by combining short blocks, starting from the end.

    required options: input.path and output.path

  • conform_to_emission.json

    read and write an ADM BW64 file, applying various processes to make it closer to the emission profile

    required options: input.path and output.path

  • validate_emission.json

    read an ADM BW64 file and check it for compatibility with the emission profile

    required options: input.path